May 31, 2012


Father,today is normal day until 04.30AM i woke up and saw the calender that today,31 May circled with red color (i wrote it by my shelf long time ago) so TODAY IS YOUR BIG DAY.

This year i hope you're healthy as usual (and perfectly get out from damn diabetes melilitus *amen),you're always get the best from ALLAH,and ALLAH always give you the right way for this life.Pah,see you next year and hope your all dream will come true this year*amen .wish you all the best with my kiss.muaahhh :*

but today i can't celebrate it because my parents doesn't in this town since May,17 until June,3. can't wait to see my parents soon. yeah,i just wanna say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAH" face to face :) and celebrate it at home.*can't wait*

i can't predict my NEM with my blank head,just like now-.-". just wait for couple days and i will see it .i will see it .i will see it.enough.but i will see it soon. soon. soon. Okay,my heart is beating fast until now.

May 6, 2012

Quote of the Day

Denger ya buk, GAK ADA  anak yang pengen di tinggal sama orang tua,jadi jangan asal njeplak.terima kasih

May 3, 2012

Lee Donghae

He is not the only one who love his father,but really,he love his father so much.and i proud of him.stay healthy!


      Hallo blog,nan lampau jauh setelah UN banyak yang aku pengen share.Ada beberapa cerita menyentuh bahkan menyenggol hati yang gak bisa di bicarain sama ortu yang malah bisa aku ceritain ke temen,namun ada beberapa cerita yang mungkin mencubit bahkan memukul jantung untuk bisa di ceritain ke temen dan hanya bisa di "share" di blog,namun ada beberapa cerita frontal,absurb bahkan ilegal yang cuman bisa aku ceritain ke buku harian,dan di situlah tempat cerita dunia berhenti. Aku wanita perempuan praremaja dan saya butuh tempat di mana saya bisa menceritakan apapun,dimanapun tanpa diketahui orang lain.kecuali diem2 ada yang buka,dan itulah BUKU DIARY.coming soon about the book.
    Hri ini itu hari yang paling ngeh banget,memang aku belum bilang sama temen-temen sih,tapi sumpah demi apalah aku pengen ikut.tadi pagi cahaya matahari bersinar waktu aku pulang lari pagi sama ibu.keluar dari kamar mandi,ibu teriak ga jelas,yaudah.aku keluar,ibu bilang "nis,kamu ga bisa ikut tour kelasmu,tanggal 9 kamu kmpul untuk test thap2",ya mau nangis aku juga seneng,tapi kalo di pikir jarang banget 93 kompak.toh juga itu cita cita Nisa dari dulu,masuk atau ga masuk jga itu jalan Allah.Nisa pasrahlah.tapi Nisa ga bs egois,masa temen2 harus ganti tanggal.jadi Nisa putusin buat ga ngomong sampek deket hari keberangkatan.tenang aja,nisa tetep bayar uang pangkal ;).aku mengimajinasikan aku pasti bakal nggerus pas temen2 upload foto2 mereka di fb.ada yang lg di pantai,bis,toilet,gitaran dsb.*nisa don't cry bey!*aku yakin lah mereka ngerti,tapi Nisa ga mau mereka jadi ga enak,jadi Nisa harus kuat,semangat,taat :D :D

     Same story about sadness.i have no idea when my mum said "how sad i'm when i have to leave you there". same with this,i feel it too.really im so interested to go there but i can't hide my sadness when my mum said that. i'm her little,and i proud of that.YES!i'm the only girl.i have no idea i accept or no.if no,Maybe Allah want me to compare my mum,if yes maybe Allah want me more independently.I love my mum,love my daddy,brothers and all.i want in this town with all that i have.i wont just in this town for my future,i want see Paris,Japan,UK,Canada,Africa.Mum if i accepted please pray for me,if i not accepted please pray for me too.Allah please make me up to you to make me there or no,but im still struggle right now.where ever i stay.i will remember you.and we know that.stay healthy Mum,dad! :*